From the task 2 ielts blog last time on the present perfect, I have highlighted the verbs that should have been in the present perfect or continuous. Did you locate them?
While I accept that our lives have gotten better in some respects, I believe that some aspects ware getting worse.
On the one hand, technology has revolutionised our daily lives that become more flexible and more convenient. Firstly, our lives become more flexible due to being widely used on the Internet around the world. As a result, people can choose to work in the physical office or distancing work from home whether the companies located in the local cities or in foreign countries. Secondly, our lives become more convenient. For example, nowadays, Chinese people do not need to carry cash when they travel around the country as it is simple to pay for things using only a smartphone.
On the other hand, modern lifestyle has become far too unhealthy, such as sedentary behaviors and poor eating habits. In the past, people did a lot of physical activities, but now most people spend too much time sitting down as modern lives are designed for people requiring them to sit in a seated position, such as for computer use and driving automobiles, leading people to face very much negative health effects. Similarly, the way people eating has also changed from before. Older generations usually cook meals at home and the diet used to include a lot of vegetables and fruits which gave nutritional value. With the fast-paced modern lifestyle, young people have no time to cook meals and resort to fast-foods, frozen foods instead, which gives rise to unwanted diseases”.
Today we are going to practice paragraph writing following a simple process:
Topic sentence – explain – example – extend (explain more) – conclusion/ summary
Here is the topic – ‘arts are important for our ‘cultural identity’?
Here is an example of how this could look:
1. Topic sentence: arts are important for our ‘cultural identity’.
2. Explain: Traditional arts often have national characteristics.
3. An example from my country: the Peking Opera is widely regarded as a symbolic expression of Chinese culture.
4. Extend: Arts can transcend time and be passed on from generation to generation.
5. Summary: Music and other art forms can allow people to feel part of society wherever they go.
Now can you try something similar with the same topic!!!! 🙂