Try to paraphrase the following –
‘the percentage of people who study for career purposes is higher than that of people study for pleasure‘
Try to complete the paraphrases to make them true:
1. More people study for career advan__________ than those who do so/it for their own enjoyment.
2. _____________ people consider studying as a s_____. _____ enjoyment than those who do so in order to get a job.
3. More people view studying as a st________ closer to their career than those do it/so for their own enjoyment.
4. The prop__________ of people studying with the a______ of career advancement is higher than that of people who do so/it for pleasure.
5. There are more people who study for career means than those who do so/it for f_____ and enjoyment.
6. The number of people seeking to furt________ their career by studying is larger than that of people who do it/so for their own enjoyment.
Now make a note on the phrases that you have learnt to paraphrase – ‘pleasure, career purposes, ways of saying more people/ ways of saying less and ‘to’ (linking phrases)’.
Now try to paraphrase this sentence:
‘It is evident that whereas the community schools experienced a marked increase in the proportion of those attending their institutions over the period, the others saw a corresponding decline’