IELTS Speaking Tips

In the IELTS exam, there is a speaking section in line with the reading, listening, and writing sections. It has 25% of the overall grade. Here are some tips that will help you in the process to get the desired score for the exam. The following IELTS speaking tips will help you advance your skills.
IELTS Speaking Tips: 1
Do not memorize unfamiliar words to impress the examiner. Remember, you would instead express your thoughts in simpler words than using some words you do not know where it suits them best.
When you are using simpler words, that you know the usage very well, you speak more fluently. When you use memorized and hard words, it makes you speak slower, and it gives a less genuine impression on the examiner.
Tip: 2
Do not worry about your accent. A lot of students do not know if their score will be affected because of the accent. So here is the answer, – No.
You will not be scored based on your accent, but rather on your vocabulary, fluency, and speech content.
Tip: 3
As mentioned in the previous tip, you should show your grammatical and vocabulary skills. Take your time to master your skills and make them perfect. If you take the links and follow the steps, you will be able to advance your vocabulary and grammar skills.
Tip: 4
Always keep in mind, you should avoid using filler words. We know you may ask what those words are. Those words are the ones that you use during speaking to fill the sentences. The examples of those filler words are “umm,” “like,” “you know,” “uhh.”
Make sure to avoid using unnecessary words like the ones we have mentioned. You would rather stop and think, instead of making weird sounds and words.
IELTS Speaking Tips: 5
Speaking voice is as important as the content you are talking about. When you are speaking confidently, you will positively impress the examiner. In line with speaking voice, pay attention to facial impressions too. Be positive and smile more.
Tip: 6
Reading out loud is another right way to work on your pronunciation and speaking fluency. We recommend you to pick a book you like, and start reading out loud. When you read out loud, you subconsciously begin speaking in the way you read.
Tip: 7
The next logical step is speaking and recording yourself. When you record yourself speaking, you have the opportunity to listen back to it and see what you can improve and on what you should work on. Also, you can save your speaking recordings to see future progress when you review them.
IELTS Speaking Tips: 8
It is tough to perfect your speaking skills. The key here is never to stop practicing because every day is an opportunity to learn more, advance, and perfect your speaking skills. When you think that you are already ready to take the IELTS test, you can do some practice tests for you to get familiarized with the test-specific procedures.