Task 2 arguments for and against capital punishment

Can you write an answer relating to this subject:


Supporters believe that capital punishment is a good way to deter criminals from committing a crime.

They argue that fear of the death penalty stops them from committing offences.

They also say that the cost of imprisonment is avoided.

Offenders can not pose a threat to others.


Innocent people could be wrongly convicted and executed.

Executing offenders creates a violent culture and encourages revenge.

Many criminals do not think they will be caught.

It is against democracy and would have destructive impacts on the loved ones and relatives of the person who is executed.

Choose 2/3 ideas from each of the for and against sections and try to write an answer. Add examples and develop where appropriate 🙂

ALISTAIR BROWN: As a writing and speaking examiner for more than 10 years, I bring a lot of experience. I have seen the frustrations that students have with IELTS from a career where I have actively guided and corrected students’ studies. I am looking for the most effective ways to teach IELTS as I understand students’ needs.