IELTS WRITING PART 2 – talking about abilities


Last time I gave you a task to brainstorm a topic ‘motivation vs ability’. Here is the vocab I suggested to use:

good at/ skilled at, to excel at, be born with,  innate ability, desire to, path to success, assist a person in,  achieve dream come true, best of your ability, sense of accomplishment.

and here is the IELTS task 2 topic question:

Some people say that talent is the most important factor for being an expert in a field while others say that motivation is the key to that.   If you want to become an expert in a certain field, do you need to have more talent or more motivation?

So what’s your answer: 🙂

Here are the first two topic sentences for the main body of an answer to this question. You can see I have highlighted the vital vocab, Can you complete the two paragraphs?

On the one hand, it is believed that some people are born with a natural talent and they naturally excel at things such as sports as if they had been taught for years. This can lead to a sense of accomplishment and therefore success.


On the other hand, it can be argued that some people do not have an innate ability but have a desire to succeed in something and a will to work hard which allow them achieve.


Now, think about this general topic: ‘computers are better than humans’.

Can you make a list of what makes a human better than a computer and vice versa? Use this article from TIME magazine for inspiration.

Here is some great vocab from the article:

adept at, unique skillset, hold the edge on, process certain kinds of information, fallible, enjoy other advantages over,  tap into, cloud the judgement, superior to, experience life, possess creativity and intuition, experiencing an emotion, replicate.

Just a reminder, you are making a list of skills and abilities for humans and computers:

‘computers’ abilities’ ‘humans’ abilities’

ALISTAIR BROWN: As a writing and speaking examiner for more than 10 years, I bring a lot of experience. I have seen the frustrations that students have with IELTS from a career where I have actively guided and corrected students’ studies. I am looking for the most effective ways to teach IELTS as I understand students’ needs.